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Do my compostable coffee bags decompose while being transported?

Cyan Pak Coffee
julio 11, 2023

It’s probable that as the owner of a coffee shop, you’ve thought about switching from conventional plastic packaging to more environmentally friendly options.

If so, you will realize there aren’t any global standards for packing quality. Customers might not be satisfied as a result, or you might become hesitant to abandon conventional plastic materials.

It is only normal to be leery of alternatives, such as compostable materials, when you are unclear of their quality and durability because packaging serves as a customer’s first impression of your company.

Roasters should thoroughly research their biodegradable packaging options in order to make genuinely sustainable decisions and prevent accusations of greenwashing. They should also respond to their concerns before switching to compostable coffee bags.

The capacity of compostable coffee bags to maintain form and shape during storage and transportation is a typical source of worry.

Continue reading to see how compostable coffee bags normally perform during transport and storage, as well as how to make sure they last a long time.

Why pick coffee bags that can be composted?

Over the past few years, compostable coffee packaging has became increasingly inexpensive and available to roasters.

Customers are aware of this, which is noteworthy. Customers who care about the environment favor biodegradable materials over recycled plastics, according to a recent UK survey.

The poll claims that this is because consumers are aware of the difficulties associated with reusing flexible plastic packaging. Customers are thus willing to pay more for packaging that can be composted.

The majority of online purchases are made in plastic packaging, according to a stakeholder who summarized the study’s findings. This has caused the e-commerce industry to lag behind.

According to the poll, firms should switch over as soon as possible to compostable materials if they want to stay ahead of consumer preferences.

California Polytechnic conducted research on the effect of package quality on customer satisfaction in 2014. According to the study, packing quality can affect how customers perceive and feel about a company, as well as foster brand loyalty and repeat business.

Consumers frequently perceive conventional packaging as being of higher quality but less environmentally beneficial, the study also found. This shows that consumer preferences for sustainable packaging and quality can be at odds with one another.

When thinking about compostable packaging, this becomes clear. If consumers believe that the characteristics that make it ecologically friendly also make it less durable, they might be leery of it.

The real story about biodegradable packaging

Many consumers might not be aware of the distinction between packaging that can be composted at home and packaging that needs to be industrially composted.

This is frequently where misunderstandings about the durability of biodegradable packaging start. You must make clear the alternative you have picked for your coffee bags to prevent misleading clients.

Consumers can place compostable coffee bags in their personal compost pile, and they will decompose on their own.

Industrial compostable packaging, however, only decomposes under intentionally induced circumstances. Customers must dispose of it for the proper facility to pick it up in order for this to happen.

It could take decades for it to decompose if it ends up in a landfill with regular trash.

In conclusion, while commercial compostable packaging is more likely to maintain its shape, home compostable packaging may decompose in transportation if exposed to extreme heat and humidity.

The fact that labeling usage is frequently not well controlled in many nations may also contribute to a great deal of confusion. This enables companies to claim that something is biodegradable for household or industrial use without providing any evidence.

Customers are now more aware of this and many are curious as to what happens to their packaging once it is thrown away.

Investing in the appropriate kind of compostable coffee packaging for your product is the greatest way to fend off accusations of greenwashing.

It should also be properly labeled so that consumers are aware of how to dispose of it or where to put it for collection.

How to make coffee packaging biodegradable

There are techniques to make sure your coffee bags are properly disposed of after transit and storage.

Take, for instance, the procedures followed while choosing, keeping, and sending compostable coffee packaging for transit.

Recognize the best packaging solutions to utilize at what times.

Packaging made for home composting is more likely to decompose in transit than packaging made for industrial composting.

By creating a storage and transportation environment with controlled humidity and temperature, you may put an end to this worry.

Unlined biodegradable coffee bags should be saved for lesser quantities of sample coffee for those with a tighter budget or less workspace.

So that you can use lined industrial compostable packaging for larger online orders, customers can purchase these bags from you in-store.

Include specific directions

It’s usually a good idea to inform customers about how to handle their leftover coffee packaging.

For instance, you might custom-print storage instructions telling customers to keep their coffee in a cool, dry spot on the coffee bags.

Clear instructions on how to handle the used coffee bags can be custom printed on your industrial biodegradable container.

Examples of these directions can be where to lay the bag to prevent contaminating recyclables and how to remove zips or liner before disposal.

Be certain to have a disposal plan.

It is crucial to provide customers with simple, ethical disposal options for their compostable coffee bags.

More importantly, it’s crucial to give them detailed instructions on how to accomplish it.

This includes telling them whether or not they need to put their used coffee bags in a certain bin.

If there are no collection or processing facilities nearby, you might wish to think about gathering used packaging yourself and setting up its processing.

For roasters that wish to switch, it’s crucial to pick a packaging supplier who comprehends the value of producing appealing, high-quality packaging to sell speciality coffee.

Cyan Pak provides 100% recyclable coffee packaging alternatives to roasters and coffee businesses, including compostable coffee bags and takeaway coffee cups.

Our coffee packaging alternatives include compostable kraft paper and rice paper, as well as multilayer LDPE coffee bags with an environmentally friendly PLA liner, all of which help to reduce waste and contribute to a circular economy.

Furthermore, by allowing you to design your own coffee bags, we provide you entire control over the design process. Our design team is here to assist you in creating the perfect coffee package.

Do my compostable coffee bags decompose while being transported?

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